10k to 150k Instagram followers in 12 months
When I joined Flash Pack, its social channels needed a strategic rethink. I enriched the content mix, moving from simple photos to multimedia – FB link posts, trend-based memes, carousels, organic video, Instagram Stories, curated UGC – and created a posting schedule that revolved around a community-based strategy. As a result, I grew Flash Pack's total social followers from 150,000 to 500,000 (and 10k to 150k on Instagram in just 12 months).

A community-based strategy
The mission for Flash Pack was to become the lifestyle destination for any solo traveller in their 30s and 40s. So its social strategy needed to centre around bringing these people together over content that pulled the community in closer. That might be IG Stories on where Flashpackers planned to go next, humourous memes that got them talking or interviews with past Flashpackers themselves, so the audience could relate. Add in Facebook link posts with editorial from SOLO, Flash Pack’s content hub, and you’re starting to think like a content publisher, not a brand. Good.

Powered by a global asset library
In 2018, before I joined, Flash Pack was selling adventures all over the world but with nothing to show for it. No imagery, no video footage, no social proof. With a budget of £15k, I sent a lucky guy called Glenn on eight back-to-back Flash Pack adventures, shooting images and video of the whole thing. This formed the back bone of a new global asset library, one that is still being added to today. In return, the assets drove over £30M revenue in bookings.
£15,000, shot over three months
£30M+ in bookings
That delivered impactful results
With all content strands, series and formats coming together, so did the community. Across two years, it grew Flash Pack’s total following by 1,500% – from 150,000 followers to over 500,000. Instagram engagement rates maintained a steady 4% on average and by the time the pandemic came along, the channels were booming. We all know what happened next.